2017 ASSC Annual Scientific Meeting

Wednesday 29 November, 2017
8.30am to 12.30pm
QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute, Auditorium

This will be the second Annual Scientific Meeting for the Australian Skin and Skin Cancer Research Centre (ASSC).

The program will include updates from the ASSC Enabling Grant Projects from 2017, as well as highlights of the world class research being conducted into skin and skin cancer at The University of Queensland and QIMR Berghofer.

ASSC Annual Scientific Meeting Program
8.30am-8.45am ASSC Annual Scientific Meeting:

Opening and welcome

David Whiteman

H. Peter Soyer




Update on ASSC Enabling Grant Projects:

Results from a pilot evaluation of the PAH Transplant Skin Clinic


Louisa Gordon



Improved antigen-specific immunotherapy for cutaneous malignant melanoma Riccardo Dolcetti


Immune pathways in dysplastic naevi and melanoma Mark Smyth


Heterogeneity in melanoma Andrew Barbour
9.45am-10.00am Epigenetic modifiers as novel targets for therapy in melanoma Jason Lee


10.00am-10.20am Morning tea break


New developments in Skin & Skin Cancer:

Results of a randomised phase III trial of post-operative chemo-radiotherapy versus radiotherapy in high-risk cutaneous SCC of the head and neck



Sandro Porceddu

10.35am-10.45am Investigating squamous cell cancer immune evasion in a human cancer progression model Katharina Noske
10.45am-10.55am Preventing UV induced stem cell mobilization as a therapeutic approach for Basal Cell Carcinoma Christelle Adolphe
10.55am-11.05am Humoral Immunity and Dendritic Cell Vaccines in Melanoma: Can Longitudinal Antibody Changes Mirror the Oncogenomic Landscape and Response to Treatment? Gregor Kijanka
11.05am-11.25am Skin Phenome Project Kiarash Khosrotehrani

Graeme Walker

11.25am-11.40am Whole-genome characterization of melanoma Nick Hayward
11.40am-12.55pm Building on melanoma genetic successes: Phase-2 melanoma meta-analysis Matthew Law
11.55pm-12.00pm Meeting Close
12.00pm-1.00pm Lunch   

Stay connected to the ASSC for news on the event, including Event Program and Registration for the meeting, by signing up to ASSC News.

View Printable Version of the program.